Hia There(:

I'm Emily(: Find out more about me by reading my posts!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Book Updates

Okay, so, in my A/Ns in my book That Game We Call High School, I've been talking about a book in process called The City Is At War. If you're wondering, yes I did get the title from a Cobra Starship song. No, I am not going to base the story off of the song.

Anyways, I've just finished chapter two and I have a few editors working on it. They're looking over it, sending it back to me, giving me constructive criticism. 
If you haven't heard me talking about it, since I only spoke of it in a few posts on wattpad and in that book, here's the summary of it:

Alex Haven grew up a normal girl. Family, friends, not exactly poor. Her relatives were kind of famous - only kind of. She thought she knew everything about her family.. But she missed out on one minor detail. Her own father is in the government, and the country of Pollens (fictional place) in northern Europe is about to launch an attack on her city. Scared out of her wits, Alex decides to run away before things affect her. Little does she know, running away can affect her more than a war could. When she gets kidnapped while hitch-hiking, she falls into a world of love, hatred, detestation, and war.

If you would like some more information on it (within limited reasons) then just comment or ask me on wattpad!

Thank you(:

Why, ellohh(:

I'm Emily, but I'm known as 'AllTimeeLowLovr' on most things with screenames. Or, I could also be 'hottopicchik' since I L.O.V.E Hot Topic(:
Some small facts about me:
I love All time Low. I literally get lost in their music. If I'm sick, angry, have a head/tummy ache, sad.. They bring me out of it and I feel completely fine. Why? I honestly don't know, but I do know that I love them. And if they don't help me feel better.. Something's obviously wrong.
Very picky eater! But that also makes whatever I want to eat simple. Like, we go to subway. I only want the chicken and the american cheese heated on white bread. Simple! But then, if we're eating like crab or something.. I wont eat it. Like, literally, I despise the taste of crab. But I LOVE spicy popcorn shrimp(: Yes, I do eat my veggies and fruits. I love.. most of them. Okay, some. But whatever.
I hate most pop music. Stuff like Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Ke$ha.. Just don't work with me. Not a big Lady Gaga fan either, I prefer Kerli. Kerli's like the only pop I'll listen to.. But her music's more abstract. I'm good with just about anything but slow, pop, or country crap. Though.. I do like 3oh!3.. But very few exceptions. NeverShoutNever's wicked too..
I love writing. Writing is almost literally my life. It's the only thing I think of during school. When I get home, first thing I do is get on the computer, get on http://www.wattpad.com and start writing! Look me up in the search bar on the website. I'm AllTimeeLowLovr and have about six, maybe seven, books up on my page. Three of them are completed(:
Math is simple for me. Math is my easiest core subject, and my favorite core subject at that. Numbers and me, we just click. Don't know why, don't know how, but we do. I haven't gotten a B or lower on any assignment in math this year (Except for those couple of assignments that I didn't turn in or did the wrong page..). The teacher is like 26 or something and she's AWESOME! She was the student teacher in my pod last year for math(:
I love singing. In choir, I'm in the Soprano section (last semester I was in Alto or whatever). My choir teacher says I have an amazing voice and I'm proud of it(:
Uhm.. I guess you'll learn more about me in my other posts! Here are some links to my writing:
http://www.wattpad.com/887322-that-game-we-call-high-school (That Game We Call High School)
http://www.wattpad.com/850852-love%27s-effect-can-be-deadly (Love's Effect Can Be Deadly)
http://www.wattpad.com/769630-detention-can-change-a-girl-and-her-heart-book-one (Detention Can Change A Girl.. And Her Heart (Book One and Sequel))
That's only a few. I'm also working on one off of wattpad that I'm going to post later on, after it's half way through or completed(: